Jun 24 | 11 min read

Product Docs Alongside Product Code (with Next.js)

portrait of Chris Lambert

Chris Lambert

portrait of Patrick Heneise

Patrick Heneise

screenshot of the Opstrace documentation

A Common Problem

If you have an open source project on GitHub and want a separate company or project website, a common problem to solve is: where do you version control and how do you present your docs?

For our project, we wanted our GitHub repo to contain everything needed for an engineer to contribute to or use the product. We didn't want to pollute that space with website code/content that's not relevant to the job they're trying to get done at that moment. We wanted the documentaiton itself—but not the website code—to live in the project repo.

We also did not want to sacrifice readability when browsing directly in the GitHub UI (for example, by having some sort of absolute /images/... reference that only resolves on the web server). No matter where you choose to consume our docs, we want you to have a lovely reading experience.

Yet, at the same time, we did want to provide features on our website above and beyond what GitHub provides (e.g., snippet copy buttons and visual tabbed sections), so we wanted to add code to the website that would augment the docs Markdown in the project repo.

In summary, our goals were to provide:

  • A single source of truth for documentation—docs are as important as code.
  • Documentation that lives next to code so documentation is maintained as part of the code maintenance
  • Docs that are searchable and have a first-class feel while browsing on GitHub AND on the website.
  • Full control over the user experience around documentation on the website so we can add features above and beyond what GitHub has.
  • Avoid polluting our project repo (opstrace/opstrace) with general website code.

This blog post explains what and how we accomplished this using Next.js. And, because we :heart: open source, you can also use our code to do the same thing for your project: opstrace/next-product-docs.

Build the Website by Fetching Docs from GitHub

To accomplish these goals, we looked around for inspiration. We found it on the Next.js website (which was previously source available). The most important insight was that they pull the docs directly from the GitHub product repo at website build time. They outline the structure of their docs in a manifest.json file in their product repo and, during website build time, pull the docs from GitHub. So we imitated this approach. After we fetch the docs files, we run them through remark and rehype processors to generate the content for the pages.

Many static site builders such as Hugo, Jekyll, etc., deliver these features out of the box for Markdown rendering. Thanks to unifiedjs and the vast amount of rehype and remark plugins, we were able to easily add those to our docs as well. The most important features for us were the ability to click on a heading and get the anchor in the URL for sharing direct links to paragraphs, and processing external links to remove the referral (rel=noref) and open external links in a new window/tab (target="\_blank"). We also added remark-gfm to support GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Content Transformations

On GitHub, you can use relative links (../../quickstart.jpg) to reference other files or images. This works differently when the files are loaded via a manifest. To simplify this on the website, we removed the relative paths entirely for internal links. For images, we remove /assets from the path and rewrite it with the pre-set ASSETS_DESTINATION. This way images are displayed properly on GitHub, and we have more flexibility (for example with subdomains) on the website, see the next section, Image Hosting and Optimization. All of this is done with a custom remark plugin, which you can find here: remark links plugin.

the opstrace quickstart guide on githubthe opstrace quickstart guide on the website

Image Hosting and Optimization

To achieve the same reading experience on GitHub, the web, and locally, all binary assets needed to be in the "right" place. That is, images need to be version controlled in the project's GitHub repo and also available behind our site’s CDN. We didn't want to pull all the assets from the repo every time we build the website, so we created a docs/assets directory for all of the images in GitHub and then created a GitHub Action to copy assets from /docs/assets to a public S3 bucket fronted with the CloudFlare CDN. We then created another remark plugin to rewrite the path (for example, ./assets/image.png or ../../assets/image.png) to the subdomain, which is configured for CloudFlare/S3.

Once we had a pipeline handling the images, and since we’re working on a public repo where everyone can modify docs and add images, we decided to run all images through image processing to have optimized images on the website. This also works great with a GitHub Action:

name: Process Images
- "docs/assets/**"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- name: Tinify Image Action
uses: namoscato/action-tinify@v1.2.6
api_key: ${{ secrets.TINIFY_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit_user_name: "TinifyBot"
commit_message: "chore: compress image(s)"
name: Upload Assets
- "main"
- "docs/assets/**"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Upload to S3
uses: shallwefootball/upload-s3-action@v1.1.3
id: S3
aws_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ASSETS_KEY_ID }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_ASSETS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}
aws_bucket: ${{ secrets.AWS_ASSETS_BUCKET }}
source_dir: "docs/assets"
destination_dir: ""

We developed three visual components for navigation:

  • Sidebar / Navigation
  • Table of Contents
  • Content

You can find example components in our getting-started repo for the Table of Contents and the Sidebar.

(Aside: in the time since we built this, GitHub released its auto-TOC feature.)

To generate a static site, on a Next.js page you can define "props" (content for the individual page) and "paths" (which slugs/paths are available and need to be rendered with this page). So we also export both props and paths from the documentation library to simply copy & paste into a page.

All content that is rendered is serialized and processed beforehand with remark and rehype. This includes simple plugins like Autolink Headings. Synatax Highlighting is done via prism-react-renderer in the CodeBlock component. There’s a huge list of additional plugins that can be used with the component we built.

Search is provided for GitHub repos, but it’s not possible to scope the search to a specific folder (docs). Search for any content is crucial, so we decided to build this into our Opstrace website. We chose the popular Algolia Search and implemented their search box straight into the Sidebar component. To populate the search index, we created a GitHub Action to sync content automatically, whenever something in the documentation is changed. The Action fetches the manifest and markdown files and uploads them to Algolia for indexing.

name: Sync Algolia
- 'main'
- 'docs/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Algolia Sync
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: opstrace/algolia-docs-sync@v1.0.2
algoliaId: 'QTVPN6XDU8'
algoliaKey: ${{ secrets.ALGOLIA_KEY }}
algoliaIndex: 'opstrace-docs'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Rebuild
- name: Trigger rebuild
curl -X POST https://api.vercel.com/v1/integrations/deploy/${{

New Features

Reading Time

Reading time example on the Opstrace blog

Displaying the "Reading Time" is a great way to manage the expectations of readers before going through an entire article. We're in the process of adding this feature to our docs, to show the estimated reading time directly in the sidebar for each article, as well as providing it at the top of the page.

Snippet Copy & Paste

This is a standard feature these days on most sites (except GitHub), to have a button in the technical documentation to copy one-liners or larger snippets and make it easy to paste into the terminal. We use react copy to clipboard in a custom remark plugin using react-copy-to-clipboard.

Variable Injection / Code Substitution

This is the highlight of the documentation library for a great user/developer experience. Opstrace uses a lot of terminal commands to set up the product. In these commands, for example, the instance name is required. In a traditional documentation, you would need to either copy and paste into a text editor, change the variable, and then copy & paste again into the terminal; or fiddle around in the terminal input to get to the right place and modify the name. We wanted a user to specify the variable only once and to have our documentation update so that all code snippets use the value of the variable. This eliminates multiple manual steps the user would otherwise have to do themselves.

For example:

demonstration of the variable injection before

Turns into this:

demonstration of the variable injection before

This was a little tricky since all pages are statically rendered for best SEO performance. We created a custom remark plugin to render a JSX component into the page. By passing the state, we were able to modify the variable with a simple onChange event from the component. You can find the source code for this here: remark state plugin


Tabs on GCP DocumentationTabs on Hashi Documentation

To give as many examples as possible in various programming languages and systems, we decided to go with Tabs. Visitors can pick their preferred language or system and easily copy the snippets they need.

This isn’t exactly in the Markdown spec, so we came up with a creative solution and wrote a component that transforms the following example from our Quickstart:

### MacOS
# Download the CLI from S3 and extract it
curl -L https://go.opstrace.com/cli-latest-release-macos | tar xjf -
# Test the extracted binary
./opstrace --help
### Linux
# Download the CLI from S3 and extract it
curl -L https://go.opstrace.com/cli-latest-release-linux | tar xjf -
# Test the extracted binary
./opstrace --help
<!-- /tabs -->

Into a beautiful tab layout:

Tabs on Opstrace Documentation

The most important fact to mention is that this is still 100% valid Markdown and can be consumed on GitHub just as easy as on our own website:

Tabs on GitHub in Markdown

It's all Open Source!

We think this is a great step forward toward better product documentation across multiple platforms and audiences, and we're really excited to share these components with you under the Apache License, Version 2.0:

Product Docs Component for Next.js

github.com/opstrace/next-product-docs contains the render function, paths, and props to build static documentation pages from your repo. Check out the README for detailed instructions and feel free to open an issue or contribute.

Product Docs Example (Quckstart) Repo

You can fork, clone, or download our quickstart repo which includes the [[...slug.jsx]] file that is used to generate static documentation pages by using the component. There's also a Sidebar and ToC component you can copy into your own project and modify according to your design needs.

Algolia Docs Sync

Check out Algolia InstantSearch to add a search box to your site. You can use the GitHub Action Algolia Docs Sync to regularly update your search index from your documentation.

Image Processing & Upload to S3

process-images and upload-assets are the two workflows we use to run images through an image optimization API and then upload to a storage bucket, which is configured as a subdomain.

Future Work

As we aim to continue building on our forward momentum, many enhanced features will follow:

  • Preview documentation changes on each Pull Request for improved local development
  • Support local previews and caching of pages and images for faster builds
  • Improved search results page
  • Add versioning support to show documentation specific to each release
  • We welcome feature requests