Apr 30 | 3 min read

Update #5

portrait of Chris Lambert

Chris Lambert

tracy reading next to a status seal

Catch up on recently shipped code, and what we have coming

Hello community!

There’s lots of things in motion as we are heads down building the open source observability distribution. We would love to hear your feedback the content below via our community channels or an email.


Last week we posted a detailed guide to show you how to build histograms in Grafana. Perhaps more interesting is the motivation for why to use histograms. It’s worth a read: https://opstrace.com/blog/grafana-histogram-howto

Yesterday we posted on the blog with some high-level thoughts on the process of upgrading the open source observability distribution. https://opstrace.com/blog/toward-zero-downtime-upgrades

On Monday, we’ll be part of the Data on Kubernetes KubeCon Co-located Event talking about Why we need an Open Source Observability Distribution. Check it out and register today: https://twitter.com/DoKcommunity/status/1387466927203835905

What Shipped

The Azure exporter from RobustPerception is now supported! You can now import metrics from your AWS, GCP, and Azure accounts into Opstrace. We’ve updated our Cloud Metrics user guide with instructions for getting started on Azure: https://github.com/opstrace/opstrace/pull/583

The UI now parses Loki logs to determine if an exporter is erroring and linking directly to a helpful query in Grafana to show the logs if that's the case: https://github.com/opstrace/opstrace/pull/575

An override mechanism, using a Kubernetes ConfigMap, to modify Cortex and Loki configuration in a running Opstrace instance: https://github.com/opstrace/opstrace/pull/606

Handling of older Opstrace-internal config schemas when upgrading: https://github.com/opstrace/opstrace/pull/594

The Opstrace CLI received a set of commands for managing tenant API authentication tokens. You can now use the CLI to create a custom key pair on your local machine. You can then subsequently use the private key of that key pair to sign new authentication tokens, and you can make a specific Opstrace instance trust these tokens by configuring it with the corresponding public key. As an administrator, you can now use the CLI to perform these operations easily at will, enabling basic as well as advanced access control management. If this gets you curious: stay tuned—more thorough documentation, a user guide, and potentially a blog post will follow. Some relevant PRs:

Upgrade test progress: pinned binaries act as unofficial release builds that we test upgrades from. A proper Opstrace release cycle is coming: https://github.com/opstrace/opstrace/pull/584


We’re in the process of testing an upgrade to Cortex 1.9.0-rc0. The great folks over there have been hard at work with many improvements and fixes (131 contributions from 28 authors). Check out their release notes here: https://github.com/cortexproject/cortex/releases/tag/v1.9.0-rc.0